TUV Certification for Cosben Equipments

EPC&I interviews

We are proud to announce that Cosben Equipments is now certified as ISO 9001:2008 compliant organization. The certification is accredited by TUV Austria.

Keeping in line with our constant endeavor & policy of "Offering Quality Products & Services with minimum cost" to all our patrons we have established a quality management system coupled with state of the art manufacturing facility

The certification of compliance with ISO 9001:2008 recognizes that the policies, practices and procedures of our company ensure consistent quality in the product and services we provide to our clients. With this certification, our clients can be confident that Cosben Equipments is dedicated to maintaining the highest efficiency and responsiveness in achieving our ultimate goal - Guaranteed Client Satisfaction.

We believe that our decision to become ISO 9001 Certified is a proactive one that not only anticipates the demands of our clients, but also demonstrates our commitment to providing quality services to all our clients.

This achievement would not have been possible without the strong support & encouragement of all our patrons.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude & Thank everyone for participating in this process with us.